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Jaw Pain: Teeth Grinding?
How does your jaw feel these days? If you’re like many Americans, tension, pain, and tenderness may be among your...
Read MoreCost of Custom Dental Guards
Nighttime teeth grinding affects lots of people: an estimated 1 in 10 adults and as many as 1 in 3...
Read MoreNew Year, New You
In this month of reflection, intention, and resolution, what are your hopes for a beautiful smile in 2019? Many start...
Read MoreDe-Stress after the Holidays
While the holiday season can be one of the most wonderful times of the year, it can also be one...
Read MoreNew Year, Stop the Grind
It’s that time of year: taking stock of the past twelve months, looking forward to a fresh start, and thinking...
Read MoreHow to Limit Holiday Stress
’Tis the season for eggnog, sugar cookies, and stressful family gatherings. The holidays can bring great joy, but they can...
Read MoreIdentifying Bruxism: 6 Signs to Look For
Bruxism affects millions, but you may not have even realized it’s happening. Because that teeth-grinding happens at night during sleep,...
Read MoreHold the Starbucks! How that Grande Can Cause Teeth Grinding
Americans love their morning cup of Joe, but the habit could be damaging their teeth. Sixty-four percent of Americans age...
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